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Data From Individual 2018 Races

How The Raw Data Was Captured

Data was captured by the hardware which read binary data from the CAN bus and saved the data in raw binary form to the disk. The hardware, which is powered by the NMEA 2k bus, begins logging data as soon as it initializes and continues until the network is powered off.

How the Data was Processed

Instrument readings, as raw can bus binary output, were converted to JSON and then to CSV. Each row of the CSV file contains wind speed, wind angle, boat speed, lat/long, heading and a timestamp. The timestamps in the CSV file’s first column are time emitted by the GPS receiver as it periodically posts geo-location data to the network. Timestamps typically occur 1 second apart. The other metrics, wind, speed and heading, are updated much more frequently than once per second. As a result the CSV files are comprised of rows, occurring about a second apart, containing the average wind and speed data seen in the second since the prior row. We publish these data in raw, JSON and CSV format.

Lastly, the data was filtered to only include rows logged when the boat was being raced. During those times it is assumed the boat being actively sailed and the motor is not running.